Meet Our Coaches
RX Gym Coaches
Lindsay Przylepa
Coach (online)
Burgener Weightlifting L1
CrossFit Gymnastics
(Currently enrolled in internship with “The Gymnastics Course” as an assist)
Lindsey was born and raised here in St. Catharines, Ontario. She splits her coaching time between Rx Gym Inc here in St. Catharines and Deep RIver Fit in Memphis, TN.
Lindsey started gymnastics at age 7 and competed at the elite level for several years while trying to pursue an academic scholarship. She made the transition to competitive cheerleading at the age of 19 and competed for CheerSport Sharks (both Grey Reef & Great Whites). She then focussed on her career in psychology and that moved her across Canada and into the USA.
She started CrossFit in 2016 and started coaching CrossFit in 2018 at Rx Gym Inc and that is where her gymnastics coaching career began. She loved being in the gym, it fed her competitive side and poured into her coaching side. Brought her back to the days where she coached gymnastics and cheer all throughout school.
She loves helping people reach goals they didn’t think were possible. She loves teaching a handstand to a person that thought being upside down was out of the realm of possibilities. Just seeing people’s faces when they get a new skill or a PR is what drives her.
She has since started her gymnastics coaching business LPGymnastics and now travels city to city hosting gymnastics skills clinics and coaching clinics. She also provides 1:1 remote coaching and in personal 1:1 sessions. She is also now entering the elite performance coaching world.
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